Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Some ranting

I was going to post something else, but a couple of g+ chats that took part yesterday (and on other days and in other services) sparked this one instead... So, what grinds my gears this time?

The basic idea of mine
Every once in a while someone random starts chatting with me in gchat. That's not a problem, not at all. I like chatting with people, old friends and new strangers alike. Everything's fine so far.
Usually these new, random people ask similar questions. But that's how it goes, you've got to start somehow and basics of who you're talking with is something you should get to know :)

All these chatters are in google+, that's obvious. And they see me in their chat lists so I guess I have to be in their circles, because they couldn't try to chat with me otherwise. As I have no control over who circles me and who doesn't, this is not a problem in the least. So far nothing has been weird or problematic. They see me and my profile, my profile tells them what I want and allow people to know of me.

Chatting nicely
So, there's this person, let's call him mr X for convenience. X starts a chat with me and I reply when I notice it. I'm usually online at work so it may take a moment. We chat for a while about this and that. All's fine and we're friendly because that's how it goes. It's only polite, right?

This specific chat doesn't get to the sometimes blatant "SUCK MY COCK!" first liner or anything, it's pretty casual. Casual and goodhearted. Not that I get offended if someone asks if I suck cocks, it's a valid question in this world :P It's just a completely different opening statement and sometimes a bit amusing - but not offending in my opinion :)

Then mr X asks if I'm a girl. Naturally, I reply that no, I'm a dude. And in addition to that I'm a crossdresser. Mr X disappears without a comment and as far as I know, I'm also uncircled by him.
What the hell did just happen?

My problem with this
Ok, I understand that X wasn't looking for a CD or anything. I also understand that he didn't want me in his circles anymore. That's all cool by me, I don't force myself on anyone :) I was (very lightly) offended by the way he just disappeared without a comment of any sorts. It's happened before: someone starts talking to me and at some point they ask my gender and then they go "Oh, I'm looking for girls here, bye" or something to that effect.
That's very polite and I don't get offended or angry, why should I? :) For each their own, I'm not interested in everyone who I talk to, either :) The least I can do when talking to an uninteresting person is to just say something before I terminate the conversation. It's not their fault they don't tickle my fancy.

Why is this an issue to me?
The reason I complain about this and why I get somewhat angry about mr X's behaviour is the whole stupidity of the situation. I obviously have a profile in g+ and surprise, surprise, it contains some information about me! The word "crossdresser" is one of the first you see next to my name. That "About" tab in my profile tells more about me, not much but something. My gender is clearly visible and the intro has a couple of short paragraphs. At least if one bothers to take a cursory glance at it, one wouldn't be surprised or shocked. I don't hide what I am.

Whenever someone starts a chat with me, I go and check what their g+ profile (including that "About" section) says about them, if anything. I do that so I know what kind of a person I'm talking to. Based on that I've even asked if they knew what I am, so they wouldn't get disappointed. I'm just trying to have things going smoothly. I check what they tell of themselves and believe that they've done the same.

But for some reason in this wonderful world of internet, an insane amount of people don't actually bother with any of that. They just start with their own stuff and like in X's case, get apparently shocked and offended when I tell them something they could've noticed very early on. And they'd avoided "wasting" a good amount of time talking to me and getting to ask it themselves. This would've been so fucking easily avoided.

Is it really that difficult? Do people just go by the profile picture and ignore everything else?
Oh well. It's not my time they're wasting, I had a nice chat until X disappeared. I blame all this on the lack of understanding of the netiquette among these people I complain about. Of course it's not just X and google chat but many people in many different services, based on my personal experience.

Promises, promises...
Next time I'll be more positive or at least have something more fun to say ;) I don't intend to rant this much all the time :)
Kisses <3


  1. rant all you want girl... these things make me wonder too! it helps to share... get it out.. dont carry it around. i have a 'vent' tag for just the same reason.

  2. Thanks :) I just had to let some steam out. And it was such a tiny thing, but for some reason it was enough.

    *shakes her fist*
